Huddersfield Feral and Strays are launching a fundraising campaign to enable us to purchase Recovery Oxygen Mask Kits which can be used by rescue services within West Yorkshire. The goal is to try and raise £5000 to achieve this.
Its an upsetting fact that there are over 40,000 household fires each year, and on average just under 50% of households have pets. These oxygen mask kits have been specifically designed for animals to ensure that they can receive the correct amount of oxygen required to increase survival rates in the event of smoke inhalation. The oxygen mask kits are ideal to deliver vital oxygen therapy for animals which have been subjected to stressful situations such as injuries, being trapped or attacked.
West Yorkshire Fire Service are currently trialling 6 SurgiVet (Pet) Oxygen mask kits that have been kindly donated by Huddersfield Feral and Strays
These kits are currently located at the following Fire Stations: Huddersfield, Fairweather Green, Odsal and Killlingbeck.
(WYFRS as a public body is not involved in fund raising for this organisation)
It costs £90 to buy 1 single Oxygen kit and £8 for a tub of Vira-Care Decontamination wipes. We are looking at approximately 50 kits to cover the whole of West Yorkshire.
Each kit contains 3 different size masks to cater for a wide variety of animals, there are also muzzles, a lead and tubing for each mask.
The Vira-Care wipes are essential to prevent any cross contamination of diseases between uses.

Support from Pet Remedy
Pet Remedy have partnered up with Huddersfield Feral and Strays and offered to kindly donate a pack of 12 Calming Wipes per Oxygen Kit we supply.
Pet Remedy works with the pet’s own natural calming mechanisms by mimicking GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) which is a natural calming agent present in all mammals, reptiles, and birds.
So when a pet becomes stressed or anxious the Pet Remedy actives help trick red-up nerve cells into thinking they are getting a message from the brain to calm. This is why it starts to help instantly
We feel that this would be a fantastic accompaniment to the oxygen kits to help reduce stress for the animal receiving the oxygen therapy.
For more information regarding the wonderful Pet Remedy products please click here

How you can help
We will be holding a number of fundraising events throughout the course of this campaign to raise money specifically for this cause.
Please visit our fundraising page for more information.
Donations can be made via the following methods
- Through our Crowding Funding page on Just Giving
- Through Paypal please click here
- Through the bank please use the contact us form to ask for bank details
- Directly at one of our fundraisers
Please remember to state the donation is towards the Recovery Oxygen Mask Campaign
If you have any ideas you would like to discuss regarding a fundraiser in your area for this campaign please use the Contact Us Page
A Donation will help to provide
Because Every Paw Is Precious
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported our campaign and look forward to reaching our target.
We would also like to thank Vets4Pets Huddersfield who along with Huddersfield Feral and Strays have been providing training to the rescue services on giving oxygen therapy using the kits, animal handling and correct animal restraining techniques.